K9 Sport Spotlight: Ranger the Dock Diving Labrador

Ranger, an 8-year-old Labrador Retriever, isn’t just a dock diving athlete—he’s a true competitor with an unstoppable spirit. From launching off docks to making waves at the DockDogs World Championships, Ranger has been competing at the highest level for years. But in early 2023, he started showing signs of discomfort that alarmed his owner.

His owner took him through a long journey of vet visits, X-rays, and ultrasounds, eventually discovering shoulder damage caused from Ranger bouncing at the door to go outside, where he was hitting his shoulders on the door knob. Between that and years of dock diving and an active lifestyle, he was hurting. 

With his mobility limited and muscle loss becoming evident, they knew they needed a solution to get him back in top shape. That’s when their sports medicine vet recommended MYOS Canine Muscle Formula, along with laser therapy, to help rebuild his strength.

The results were incredible. Ranger regained muscle mass, continued to compete, and earned his spot at the DockDogs World Championships for the seventh consecutive year. Fast forward to 2025, and he just kicked off the season stronger than ever—traveling nine hours, making finals, and taking 1st place in his division with a 19’11” jump, all without needing extra medication or therapy.

Ranger’s story is a testament to the power of muscle health in canine athletes. With the right care, recovery, and MYOS, he’s still making waves—and showing the world that age is just a number! 

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