November 2022: MYOS Pet of the Month


We have a new feature here at MYOSPET to spotlight dogs who are thriving: The MYOSPET of the Month. Meet Jackson, our MYOSPET of the Month for November.


Jackson was scheduled to be euthanized at a local shelter and was thankfully rescued. He then started dock diving with an organization called NADD two years ago. In the spring of 2022, it was recommended that Jackson start taking MYOS Canine Muscle Formula® to increase his muscle mass and hopefully get better dock diving results.


Within a month, Jackson started jumping further and swimming faster! He earned an invite to regionals in Perry, GA and at that event he had a personal best, which earned him an invitation to Nationals at the end of Oct 2022! Jackson is currently ranked 10th in the North America for hydrodash (a timed swim), and he is within the top 25% of dogs in distance. Bravo, Jackson! Keep up the good work!


Follow Jackson on Facebook.

Photo credit: Blue Dog Photography

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