Top 10 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Develop Joint Issues


 Joint problems are unfortunately common in dogs as they grow older. For some dogs, these issues are only a minor nuisance. For others, however, these problems can get to the point where, over time, they become nearly incapable of performing any type of physical activity.


Dogs who suffer from osteoarthritis will experience varying levels of pain and inflammation around their joints throughout their lives. Larger, heavier breeds of dogs in particular are more likely to suffer from this condition. As we see more and more disease of overnutrition, this can be a big problem for larger breed puppies as their bones can grow more quickly that their bodies and they are more likely to participate in more intense physical activity at an early age before their joint shave stopped developing. These are two big factors that influence osteoarthritis development later on in life.


Here are the top ten breeds of dogs (in no particular order) that are most susceptible to joint problems:

  • German shepherds
  • Golden retrievers
  • Labrador retrievers
  • Dachsunds
  • Newfoundlands
  • Bernards
  • Rottweilers
  • Great Danes
  • Mastiffs
  • Old English Sheep Dogs



As you can see, just about all of these breeds are on the larger (to very large) side. The notable exception is dachshunds. For the dachshund, the primary issue is that its back is so long. and its legs are so short, making it far more susceptible to both spinal and joint issues. Other dogs that fall into the same general family as dachshunds, are bulldogs and basset hounds, breeds that are also predisposed to cartilage and joint problems, as well as elbow incongruity (one leg/elbow bone growing longer or differently than the other).


In general, though, it’s the bigger dogs that have the most to fear in terms of arthritis. The amount of weight the dog carries also plays a major role in the likelihood of developing arthritis. Even healthy dogs of larger breeds have a high likelihood of suffering from joint problems at some point in their lives. Those that become obese are adding even more weight and pressure to their joints. Therefore, it’s important pet owners make sure their dogs are getting the proper nutrition and plenty of exercise.  Adding a supplement like MYOS Canine Muscle Formula® can help improve your dog’s overall joint and muscle health and may prevent future muscle and mobility issues.

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