Myos Resources

Myos Resources

Myos is committed to providing  continuing education and research to the veterinary community through our CE programs, Vet Blog and more.

  • Myos Veterinary Blog
  • Book a Lunch & Learn
  • Veterinary Advisory Board

Our Clinical Studies & Research

The foundation of our company relies on our clinical scientific research.

Though largely overlooked in the healthcare space, strong muscle is clinically proven to have a significant effect on quality of life, longevity, and recovery among humans and animals.

Fortetropin® is clinically proven to build muscle mass and strength, improve recovery, and slow muscle atrophy.

Read our Clinical Studies
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Evaluation of Fortetropin in Geriatric and Senior Dogs With Reduced Mobility

Groundbreaking Study is a Game Changer for Senior Dogs
Research seminar given by Kenneth R. Harkin, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM), Hodes Professor and Head, Section of Medicine, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine on the evaluation of Fortetropin in geriatric and senior dogs with reduced mobility.

Watch NowDownload the full Research Seminar

Research Seminar

26 minute and 51 second research seminar given by Kenneth R. Harkin, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM), Hodes Professor and Head, Section of Medicine, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine on the evaluation of Fortetropin in geriatric and senior dogs with reduced mobility.

Meet our Board Members

Veterinary Advisory Board

The MYOS Veterinary Advisory Board is a diverse group of leaders within the animal muscle health industry. The board is a collaborative organization that acts as a sounding board for the owners, directors and company. 

Meet the Board