Pet Injury Recovery

TPLO surgery is one of the most commonly used procedures in repairing cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) tears in dogs. In fact, according to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, over one million surgeries involving the knee are performed on our furry friends each year. In general, TPLO recovery has an excellent success rate, pending adherence to post-surgical protocol.


Fortetropin® plays a key role in muscle health and the TPLO recovery process. 

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study by Kansas State University evaluated the impact of Fortetropin on 100 post-surgical dogs during their TPLO recovery. The canine clinical trial, found that fortetropin reduced muscle atrophy after surgery and improved the success rate of TPLO recovery.

According to the principal study investigator Kenneth R. Harkin, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM),  "This study demonstrates the benefits of Fortetropin in dogs with prolonged postoperative recovery periods. Restoration or maintenance of muscle mass through the reduction of serum myostatin levels with Fortetropin offers veterinarians a novel approach to in-home rehabilitation of injured dogs, including potentially improving or restoring mobility in geriatric dogs."