Verified Vet Partner Program

Our Verified Vet Partners carry with them our badge of commitment toward this mission. They see the importance of animal muscle health. In fact, in our recent survey of veterinarians, we found that 95.1% believe that animal muscle health is equally or if not more important than joint health.

Sign Up Now!

Verified Vet Partner Benefits 

  • An exclusive Vet Authorization Code to give to your patients
  • A 20% Referral Bonus on web authorization sales
  • Listing on our verified vet partner search
  • Verified Vet Portal Access
  • Custom printed postcards to hand out to patients


Veterinarians give their customer a unique authorization code that gives them the ability to purchase MCMF Vet strength through our web site. Myos will ship directly to your customer.  

Who is the Program For?

Veterinary professionals (veterinarians), animal hospitals and clinics looking to authorize the use of Myos Vet Strength Canine Muscle Formula for patients to purchase direct at

Vet Strength

Our Vet Strength Formula iis an advanced supplement, powered by Fortetropin® and contains additional branched-chain amino acids (BCCA's) for added muscle support. 

Vet XL

Double the size of our vet strength formula. 880 grams per container. Clinically proven to build muscle and reduce muscle atrophy due to aging or injury

Animal muscle health is near and dear to our hearts. Our company mission is to "continue to boldly advance the field of animal muscle health through the development of pet products that are safe, natural, effective and backed by science."

Myos Verified Vet Partner Program

Learn more about our Verified Vet Partner program by completing the form below. 

Vet Partner Search

Be listed on our Verified Vet Partner search and be found when potential patients are looking for an authorized practice.

Search our Verified Vet Partners

Register for a partner portal account with myos pet today. Verified Vet Partners manage their web authorization codes and veterinary patient orders on the Myos Partner Portal.

  • View sales & commissions on orders that you have referred
  • Receive additional Verified Vet Partner support
  • Copy your unique web referral link
  • Download graphics for promotional use
  • Manage payment for monthly commissions